Tuesday, February 17, 2009

DC Trips

As many of you know, for the past few years I have been taking students to Washington, D.C. along with a good friend of mine here at school. This is a great opportunity for our students to visit the nation's capital and to experience some of the things that I have been trying to teach them throughout their 8th grade year in US History. I normally don't read the comic strip Luann. (I am more inclined to read Zits or Baby Blues or one of our local favorites Stone Soup.) But for the past week Luann has been on a trip to DC and it has captured such perfect moments. I just wanted to share a few.

We have had some pretty similar experiences, but every year it is one of the highlights. I love going to the nation's capital and watching some of these students (many have never been out of Oregon) see these sights for the first time.

Here's hoping that our 35 or so students coming with us this year will have a great time, even after they realize that the only shopping that can be done at the mall is from those crazy street vendors selling the cheapest shirts imaginable.

1 comment:

Mandy B said...

I remember going to DC with the band in High School for Clinton's 1st inauguration. It was very cool to sit by the reflecting pond with the tens of thousands of other people to watch that. Going to the different historical places was very neat, but I didn't appreciate them as much until older, but having been there before, I felt very comfortable going and using the metro and seeing it all again. Every time I go, the vietnam wall makes me cry and I enjoy the kosher hot dogs from the vendors just as much the 11th or 12th times as I did the first time. I am so glad you get the opportunity to take your students out there.