Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My New Fun Find (thanks to Kristine)

If you were to ask Kristine to tell you one thing that she doesn't understand about me, she might answer that it is my obsession with buying and owning books. Kristine is perfectly fine with checking books out from the library and sometimes even waiting for weeks to get her hands on a book that she wants to read. Part of our difference lies in the fact that I enjoy reading contemporary literature, while Kristine tends to read older books.

Anyway, a few months back Kristine and I created a category in our budget called "Whatever I want." This provides us each with some money to just buy a few things for ourselves---just for fun. This has provided me with funds to go use my Borders Rewards coupons that show up in my email inbox and tempt me every other week or so. Therefore, my book collection has increased.

There are a few reasons why I enjoy buying a book. 1) I like the look of a full bookshelf that contains a variety of different types of literature. 2) I like to be able to loan a book that I love to a friend. 3) Occasionally, I like to reread a book (ex. My Name is Asher Lev, To Kill a Mockingbird). 4) I hate the pressure of a library due date that makes me feel like I have to rush through a book. 5) I have a dream of our future dream house containing a beautiful library full of books that represent many memories of different time periods of my life.

For the most part, I can read anything and enjoy it. However, from time to time, I read a book with which I make very little connection. Then these books still lurk around on our bookshelves and are visually distracting from the books that I love. So, Kristine found this beautiful website called

This site allows you to post these sorts of books and then for every book that someone requests from you, you get a credit that allows you to request a new book from anyone else. For the cost of mailing a book to someone else, I can get a book that is new to me. Of course, this wouldn't be a site for those who frequent the library and are content not to own the book, but for me this is perfect. I am waiting for my first two books to arrive and already have 5 more credits that I can't wait to use. I look forward to the additions this will provide for my classroom and dream house bookshelves.

1 comment:

Aimee & Brennen Fuller said...

What a cool site. I sent the word on to my family. Good luck spending your remaining credits. Happy hunting!